New Years Resolutions – Make’em Green!


This year make your resolution count towards the greater good. You don’t have to give up your personal resolutions, but why not throw in a little bit of Earth friendliness too?

There are a wide range of sustainable resolutions you can tackle depending on your commitment, lifestyle, sense of adventure and resources.  You know these resolutions, you’ve heard them before. But now is the time to commit! Tell yourself you ARE GOING TO DO IT!!! That’s the only way resolutions are met.

So here we go:

  1. Give up easily avoidable plastics like straws, plastic water bottles, and coffee lids.
  2. Give up plastic bags. Two years ago I bought myself a beautiful wicker basket. I don’t forget it because I love it so much. Get yourself something you like and will use to avoid forgetting.
    My favourite wicket basket in action
  3. Eat your food! Have you ever looked up the food waste stats in Canada? It’s horrifying. Commit to eating your food and using your leftovers.
  4. Vote with your dollar! Do you get upset at packaged bananas? How about tiny items wrapped in three layers of plastic and 4 different cardboard boxes? Then stop buying them. And while you’re at it, tell the store manager of your feelings. We are the agents of change and no one else.
    Lilliana and the waste free snacks!
  5. Cycle and use transit. This one speaks for itself and it might even contribute to some of your OTHER resolutions *wink*

We’d love to hear your sustainable resolutions! Tell us in the comment section!


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